Zia Black

Christian - Suspense - Crime - Mystery - Thriller

A Fresh Start

It’s time for a fresh start!

Over the past 12 years, I’ve written under four pen names:

This year, I decided to shut down Zada Green and Zhané White, and unpublished most of my books. There are several reasons why:

Unbiblical Views

A few years ago, I was saved by Lord Jesus Christ and received the gift of salvation. The Holy Spirit helped me see that some of my old books don’t match my new Christian values.

Poor Storytelling

I checked the reviews for my adult pen names and realised that they were, overall, really bad. I’m talking about 1 or 2 stars out of 5 bad! In comparison, my children’s pen name Zuni Blue has mostly 4 out of 5 star reviews.

No More Ideas

My retired pen names are in genres I’m not interested in anymore: self-help, publishing, women’s fiction, dark fantasy, science-fiction, and horror. Continuing as Zia Black means I can continue with my favourite genres: crime, suspense, mystery, and thriller. They include Christian subgenres like Christian suspense and Christian thriller, so I have a great opportunity to show the gospel of Jesus Christ in stories.

A Fresh Start

My plan is to re-read my old Zia Black and Zhané White books and assess which ones I should reboot. I’ll rewrite the stories, give them better covers, redo the blurbs, and reformat the books to give them another chance. It’s a fresh start! I’m excited!

My other books will be laid to rest. I don’t regret them. Every word helped me become the writer I am today.

Thanks for Supporting Me!

A few people enjoyed my old stories, even though most readers didn’t. Thanks for those positive reviews! They helped me see which stories deserve a second chance, so I know what to reboot.

Also, thank you to everyone who gave my books a chance, whether you loved them or hated them. I hope you’ll give my future work a chance, too.

God bless you.

Kind regards,


It’s time for a reboot…

My books will be delisted and rebooted soon. Stay tuned for more…

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